Social Justice Reading
Slate Article on Native American Slavery
Indian Country Today "Two Spirits, One Heart, Five Genders"
Indigenous Masculinities- Interview with Albert McLeod
Indian Country Today "Native Suicides: Intergenerational Trauma Erupts"
NoVo Foundation Video "Supporting Indigenous Communities in North America"
Apihtawikosisan "Book announcement: 'Indigenous Writes'"
Matador Network "The Link Between 'Tourism' and 'Settler Colonialism' in Hawai’i"
Everyday Feminism " Things You Need to Know Before Planning a Vacation to Hawaii"
New York Times "Guatemalan Women’s Claims Put Focus on Canadian Firms’ Conduct Abroad"
Radcliffe Institute Event "Strong Voices, Indigenous Women Wikipedia Edit-a-thon Strong Voices, Indigenous Women: Wikipedia Edit-a-thon" "Those Kids Never Got to Go Home"
Colorlines "New Book Helps Native American Girls Cope After Sexual Assault"
American Indian Studies Program at University of Illinois "Native Feminists: Without Apology"
Nerding Abroad "5 Ways to Support Indigenous Women on International Women’s Day"
Native Sun News "Murder of Anna Mae still leaves many questions unanswered"
CBC Aboriginal "5 recommendations for national MMIW inquiry: Native Women's Association of Canada"
Indian Country Today "Senator Alleges Malpractice at IHS Hospital"
The Globe and Mail "Ottawa used technicality to disqualify 1,000 residential-school claims"
The Red Nation “Fighting For Our Lives: #NoDAPL in Historical Context
Jacobin Magazine “A History and Future of Resistance” “How Native American Women Inspired The Feminist Movement”
Red Power Media “Missing, Murdered Aboriginal Women Remembered With 1,181 Inukshuks”
Unsettling America Decolonization in Theory & Practice
PDF of "Intergenerational Trauma: Understanding Natives’ Inherited Pain" By Mary Annette Pember
Resources from the Indian Country Child Trauma Center
Justice for Berta Cáceres, Website
Open Access Documents by Peter D'Errico on Indigenous Peoples' legal issues
"Enough is Enough Aboriginal Women Speak Out" Book By Janet Silman
"What Is Restorative Justice?" Article from the Upper Ninety Program
Indigenous Environmental Network, Website
Yes Magazine "The Warriors Who Turned to Peace"
Rhode Island Public Radio “The Wampanoag View Of Thanksgiving”
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
NPR Segment "Largely Forgotten Osage Murders Reveal A Conspiracy Against Wealthy Native Americans"
Southwest Crossroads: Cultures and Histories of the American Southwest
Digital Native American and Indigenous Studies (DNAIS)
Hokulea Project Teaching Resources
Lessons of Our Land: Native American Pre-K through 12 Curriculum
KQED "How Trauma-Informed Teaching Builds A Sense of Safety And Care"
The Hechinger Report "Pulling Reservation Schools Back From the Brink"
Yahoo News "Quebec Teen Discovers Ancient Mayan Ruins by Studying the Stars"
Kairos Canada "How Residential School has affected me: a reflection" by Sui-Taa-Kii (Danielle Black)
The Odyssey "13 Things You Realize As A Native American in College"
Prezi By Eve Tuck "Settler Colonialism an Overview" "Mandatory Indigenous Studies courses aren't Reconciliation, they're an easy way out"
National Museum of American Indian "We’re looking for a special teacher, and it might be YOU"
Project Muse "Faculty as Contributors to Learning for Native American Students"
The Stranger "Teaching Tribal History Is Finally Required in Washington Public Schools"
Debbie Reese’s Interview for the National Council of Teachers of English
POC Online Classroom “(De)constructing Knowledge: Decolonization is Not a Metaphor”
The Edvocate “At What Age Can We Introduce Children to Honest History?”
Navajo Traditional Teachings, website
Iroquois Corn in a Culture-Based Curriculum: A Framework for Respectfully Teaching about Cultures
Native Youth Sexual Health Network
The Nation "How America Is Failing Native American Students" by Rebecca Clarren
Eve Tuck, co-editor of book series "Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in Education"
Gyazi Ross "#DearNativeYouth: It Gets Greater Later" in Indian Country Today
" Tribal Sovereignty in Washington State" Educational resources Website
Indian Education Resources on the Montana Office of Public Education Website
Wolakota Project, Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings
Raid on Deerfield: The Many Stories of 1704, website
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center - K-12 Pueblo Curriculum Project
Toolkit for "Rewriting History—for the Better" From Teaching Tolerance
"Ontario school board tosses Shakespeare for indigenous writers" In the National Post
Native American Heritage Month 2016, #NativeReads by Debbie Reese